"I teach everyone tools of empowerment and together we build a psychic tool box."Terri Songbird Phillips, RN CNHP

Terri Songbird Phillips is a multi-disciplined healer and speaker with more than 30 years experience in the healing arts. An RN with clinical experience, Terri Songbird has trained extensively in both traditional medicine and alternative therapies. This allows her to assist you when you wan to shift from a pharmaceutical based traditional·medical approach to a safer, natural, more holistic approach to healing and wellbeing. This shift from symptom-based medicine to addressing the true root cause of your health issues often creates better and more lasting results.

Terri Songbird strongly believes in the importance of addressing the healing needs of your emotional·pain body in order to heal your physical imbalances. She uses a number of safe, gentle, highly effective natural modalities to help you achieve a state of emotional and physical balance and an optimal state of joy and well-being, and will help you to build your own 'psychic toolbox to become more empowered.

Whatever your reason for seeking assistance or healing, Terri Songbird's strong intuitive skills are invaluable in selecting the right products and therapies for your unique needs. A Life Coach, Medical Intuitive and Shamanic Healer, Terri has developed her own method of soul retrieval using N.E.T. Therapy. The results are profoundly life altering in many positive ways.

Whether you are dealing with depression, cancer, chronic illness, abuse, trauma, addiction, or are simply seeking your life purpose, Terri Songbird can help you in transforming your challenges.

In Light Wellness System photo

LED light energy application is a process by which energy is delivered to various parts of the body via light emitting diodes and is absorbed by the cells. The various energy wavelengths penetrate the skin to different depths and provide the energy cells need to activate increased circulation and stimulate cells to release Nitric Oxide. NASA's studies have shown that cells which have been exposed to LED light energy applications have a 150% enhancement to their cellular metabolism, thereby accelerating repair and replenishment. The sessions are non-abrasive, non-invasive, painless, and result in absolutely no downtime. It is safe for all ages and skin types professionally or at home!
Light therapy can support:

  • Increased circulation
  • Pain relief
  • Increased comfort
  • Skin rejuvenation
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Expedited recovery for bruises, scars, wound
  • … And much more!