The Avatar Course · Friday, January 31 - Sunday, February 9, 2025 · Online
Join Avatar Master and Complete Wellness director, Pam Priest, for the next Avatar Course!Experience the powerful energy of people from all over the world coming together to learn the extraordinary tools of awakening and becoming their best selves.
A team of dedicated Avatar Masters will ensure you have personal guidance and support each step of the way. Take the next step in your evolvement and move forward on your path.
The Avatar Course • Sections 1-3 • Includes the ReSurfacing® Workshop
ReSurfacing Workshop • Section 1 • This is a 3-day exploration of the map of your unique consciousness.
Online Course Hours: 9 am - 4:30 pm EST with 1 hour lunch, and breaks as needed. The approach is light and informal, rather than serious; experiential rather than intellectual.
Participation involves:
- solo work, both indoors and outdoors
- discussions in small groups
- reading and some brief writing
- working one-on-one with an Avatar Master as a guide
Visit TheAvatarCourse.com to learn more about Avatar.
For Questions, more detailed course Info, or to Register connect with Complete Wellness Director and Avatar Master Pam Priest at 716-479-0701 or email pam@completewellnesswny.com.

The Avatar® Course Section I: The Resurfacing® Workshop
Friday - Sunday, January 31 - February 2, 2025
Join us for the next ReSurfacing Weekend!
- Become more self-aware
- Be happier
- Increase your compassion
- Quiet your mind
- Improve your relationships
- Relieve upsets
- Let go of limiting beliefs
- Live deliberately
Pam Priest at 716-479-0701, email pam@completewellnesswny.com, visit CompleteWellnessAvatar.com.
Aspects of consciousness addressed:
Beliefs, Reality, Consciousness
Section I of The Avatar Course sets forth certain ideas about the relationship between beliefs and reality. These ideas are subjected to various tests and examinations (in group discussions and in private explorations) to allow you to determine for yourself if such relationships do, in fact, exist.
Section I exercises take you behind the scenes of consciousness for a look at the blueprints by which you build your life. The journey results in an intimate connection with a deeper, more compassionate and aware state of self.
Section I is offered in an affordable 2-day workshop that contains information, demonstrations, and experiential exercises to awaken you to the unlimited possibilities of living deliberately.
Avatar® and ReSurfacing® are registered trademarks of Star's Edge, Inc. All rights reserved. ©2025 Star's Edge, Inc